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Northwest Ohio EMS
Education Files
Power Point presentations
Quality Improvement Notification Form
NWO EMS Educational Forms
Education Evaluation Form
Medical Tidbits
2015-08-22 - Medical Tidbits: Is D50 too much of a good thing ???
2015/01/21 - Medical Tidbits: EtCO2 for all intubated / ventilated patients
2015/08/05 - Medical Tidbits: The Rapid Arterial Occlusion Evaluation (RACE) Score
2015/09/07 - Medical Tidbits: Administering naloxone (Narcan) and patient’s refusing to go to the hospital
2015/10/23 - Medical Tidbits: Traumatic Brain Injuries
2016/03/22 - Medical Tidbits: The value of Orthostatic Blood Pressure
2016/06/20 - Medical Tidbits: Isopropyl Alcohol for Related Nausea
2016/07/07 - Medical Tidbits: Is it a committee or a team?
2016/12/11 - Medical Tidbits: Medication Assisted Intubation
2017/02/16 - Medical Tidbits: too much oxygen … the good and bad
2017/02/25 - Medical Tidbits: the patient refusal --- do they have medical decision making
EMS Education Videos
2014/04/18 - Endocrine Emergencies
2014/11/10 - Tools for Managing Difficult Airway
2014/12/16 - Pediatric Potpourri
2014/12/19 - Cardiac Emergencies
2015/01/30 - Acute Abdomen Part 1 and 2
2015/05/22 - Summertime Fun
2015_09_25 - Airway Management - Bag or not to bag
2015_10_19 - Excited Delirium
2016/07/15 - Oldies but Goodies (Geriatric Emergencies)
2016/08/19 - Dyspnea
2016/08/19 - HIPAA Training
2016/09/16 - Cardiac Emergencies
2016/09/27 - Fulton County Medication Update
2016/10/21 - Bleeding and Shock
2016/10/21 - Cold Weather Emergencies
2016/11/08 - Congestive Heart Failure
2016/11/08 - Controlled Substance Administration
2016/11/18 - Psychiatric Emergencies
2016/12/16 - OB-Gyn Emergencies
2016/12/19 - Advanced EKG Part 1
2016_04_15 - Documentation
2016_05_20 - Trauma
2017/01/13 - Poisoning and Toxidromes
EMS Recorded Lectures
EtCO2 Capnography
ITD Devices
Controlled Substance Notification Form
NWO EMS Guidelines
NWO EMS Guideline Review
Notarized Drug Lists
Medical Directors
Affiliated Agencies
2015/07/11 - Medical Tidbits: heroin OD (opiate) and narcan use
Calendar of Events
History of Star of Life
History of the Ambulance
Controlled Substance Notification Form
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