NWO EMS Guidelines
The guidelines for the Northwest Ohio EMS Consortium are designed to be both a practical guide for the treatment of patients, and a teaching document to be used by prehospital providers. These guidelines are broad guidelines for multiple department / agencies in both the rural and urban environment. Not all components of these guidelines are appropriate for the individual department. These guidelines provide a decision tree, referring to more specific guidelines in the other sections.
The sections (Tabs) within the guidelines are: Administrative, Cardiac, Adult Medical, Obstetric / Gynecologic, Pediatric Medical, Environmental, Trauma and medication guidebook.
The guidelines are updated throughout the year based upon current literature and advances in medicine. These guidelines are put out in PDF format and can be accessed on mobile devices through the PPP Agency App.
Protocols Updated 10/8/2024
See below for IM Epinephrine administration for EMT-Basic and Push-Dose Epi for Paramedics
BLS Protocols
*In the Future these may be removed and combined with ALS to create one protocol for all levels*
Push Dose Epinephrine Protocol and Training Video
Push Dose Epi Training Video
*Video file may not play on all computers, we are working through this issue and appreciate your patience*
YouTube Link:
Protocol Addendum
*This is an approved Protocol*
*This is an approved Protocol*
IM Epinephrine for EMT-Basics Training and Competency Checklist
IM Epi Training Video
Checklist to be completed by Medical Director or designated EMS Training Officer BEFORE EMT may utilize new protocol
AirQSP Supraglottic Airway
- Replacement for I-gel and King LTD
YouTube Link - https://youtu.be/WCwhfLkIKrY
NWOEMS Pandemic-COVID19 Procedure 3.13.20.pdf
COVID 19 Respiratory Protocols