Medical Tidbits
This site is devoted to interesting information that hopefully will be evidence based that is shared by the medical directors to the crews based upon different scenarios and questions. If you have a topic for discussion and would like additional information, or if you have some information that needs to be shared out then send that information / request to the medical directors.
2017/02/25 - Medical Tidbits: the patient refusal --- do they have medical decision making
2017/02/16 - Medical Tidbits: too much oxygen … the good and bad
2016/12/11 - Medical Tidbits: Medication Assisted Intubation
2016/06/20 - Medical Tidbits: Isopropyl Alcohol for Related Nausea
2016/03/22 - Medical Tidbits: The value of Orthostatic Blood Pressure
2015/08/22 - Medical Tidbits: Is D50 too much of a good thing ???
2015/08/05 - Medical Tidbits: The Rapid Arterial Occlusion Evaluation (RACE) Score
2015/07/11 - Medical Tidbits: heroin OD (opiate) and narcan use
2015/01/21 - Medical Tidbits: EtCO2 for all intubated / ventilated patients